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Situation burnout and the fear of losing control

Updated: Sep 20

Angst vor Kontrollverlust

The to-do list gets longer and longer, responsibilities weigh heavily and suddenly a feeling of discouragement and paralysis arises. Welcome to the “situation burnout”. But how should you deal with it when the pressure becomes too great and the feeling arises that everything is beyond your control?

“Situation burnout” refers to the state in which a person loses control in a particular situation and has difficulty thinking clearly and acting appropriately. Causes can include heavy workloads, unresolved conflicts or lack of support, while symptoms include anxiety, mental blocks and emotional exhaustion.

The fear of losing control particularly affects CEOs due to their high level of responsibility and constant demands. To answer the question of how to deal with such situations, you need to understand the process of how they arise. Back to the roots, so to speak.

Dual leadership to regain focus

The feeling of helplessness usually arises due to a lack of overview. The loss of this leads to blockages and anxiety, which has further consequences. Once the anxiety is present, everything seems more difficult, malfunctioning or out of control. Conversations, especially with a second leader with similar responsibility, enable a new approach to the situation.

Dual leadership means supporting each other in the team when one person has lost the overview. Focus can be regained through clear communication, describing the events and thoroughly analyzing and evaluating the situation. In this way, negative emotional states can be overcome.

The different approach of another person not only helps with orientation, but also helps to rebuild self-confidence. After all, it is crucial for a CEO to be convinced that they can overcome any problem. Regaining focus and control after a situation burnout automatically creates new drive for further challenges. The feeling of being capable and successful, of being able to assess the situation objectively and of being in a position to make the best possible decision is often enough to significantly improve the state of mind.

In the end, a problem often only exists in the mind. What seems unsolvable to others can still be solved. This does not change the facts of the task itself. The “problem” is usually a question of perspective and conviction. And this point of view can be changed.

Difference between successful and less successful CEOs

Successful CEOs are characterized by the fact that they are better able to deal with “situation burnout”. They control their emotions, which are nothing more than the result of their thoughts. In order to sort out thoughts, it is helpful to surround yourself with rational and controlled people. Factual conversations, analysis and breaking challenges down to the next simple step are key measures. Over time, these steps become easier. The first step is often the hardest.

In moments when everything looks like a loss of control and failure, it is advisable to talk to people in similar positions around you to gain a different perspective on the situation. In this way, you can regain an overview, overcome fears and gain new strength to tackle the next business challenge rationally and confidently. These problems are normal. The larger the company, the greater the challenges. The path to the top is no walk in the park and is similar for everyone to a certain extent. The only difference lies in the approach and the assessment of individual circumstances.

And that has to be mastered.


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