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Future-oriented leadership through innovation


Innovation is at the heart of a successful company. It makes it possible not only to react to changes in the market, but also to actively shape them. As CEO, it is your responsibility to create an environment in which creative ideas are encouraged and strategically implemented.

Examples such as Apple and Tesla illustrate how innovation not only creates new sources of revenue, but can also revolutionize entire industries, e.g. through:


  • Competitive advantage: companies that continuously innovate can differentiate themselves in the long term.

  • Adapting to change: Market requirements and technologies are evolving rapidly.

  • Growth driver: Innovation creates new sources of income, optimizes existing processes and opens up new markets.


  • Apple has consolidated its market leadership through constant product innovations (iPhone, iPad).

  • Tesla revolutionized the automotive industry with electromobility and autonomous driving.

How can you develop your company's innovative strength and integrate it into your corporate strategy?

“Innovation is not the work of an individual...

...but the result of a clear goal, a strong culture and continuous collaboration!”

As CEO, you have the opportunity to drive innovation by fostering an open culture, providing resources and setting clear priorities. You set the tone for new ideas and accept failure as part of the process. It is important that your team has the necessary resources to work creatively and that innovation is clearly integrated into the business strategy.

How to actively promote innovation

Lead your team with curiosity, e.g. by actively learning through reading and exchanging ideas with experts. Reserve time for strategic considerations and build networks to exchange ideas with other innovators. Also promote diversity in your teams, as different perspectives lead to more creativity. Finally, it is important to reward innovation and value both successes and bold attempts.

Here are some steps to effectively integrate innovation:

Step 1: Define innovation goals

Set measurable goals that are linked to the company's objectives, for example improving customer loyalty through new technologies.

Step 2: Establish innovation processes

Create internal platforms for collecting ideas (e.g. workshops) and implement a clear innovation process. This could look like this 

Idea generation → prototype development → tests → scaling.

Step 3: Promote an innovation-friendly culture

Google motivates employees to develop ambitious ideas with “Moonshot Thinking”. To promote an innovation-friendly culture, companies such as 3M rely on the “15% rule”, which gives employees time for their own projects, while Google motivates its employees to develop ambitious ideas through “Moonshot Thinking”.

Step 4: Use partnerships and your networks

Use partnerships with start-ups and universities to incorporate external ideas.

Step 5: Use technology as leverage

Invest in artificial intelligence or data analysis to support innovative approaches.

Challenges and solutions

Here are some common challenges and possible solutions along the way:



Resistance to change

Involve your employees in the process at an early stage

Budget conflicts

Prioritize innovation projects with a clear ROI perspective

Risk aversion

Conduct small experiments in advance according to the motto “Fail Fast, Learn Faster”

Successful CEOs and their innovation strategies

Inspiring CEOs show how creative approaches and clear visions can help transform markets and achieve sustainable growth. Inspiring examples are:

  • Marc Benioff (Salesforce): With the introduction of cloud-based CRM solutions, he promoted a corporate culture that focuses on social responsibility and sustainability.

  • Ginni Rometty (IBM): She has been instrumental in transforming IBM into a leading provider of cloud computing and artificial intelligence by driving innovative technologies such as Watson.

Innovation for your company's future

As CEO, you play a key role in driving innovation. With a clear vision, the right processes and an innovation-friendly culture, you can make your company fit for the future.

Take the first step! Start an innovation workshop with your team. Define your innovation goals for the next year. Reflect: Which processes in your company hinder the implementation of new ideas and how can you change them?

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