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9 - The Cosmic Conflict | God's Love and Justice

Lucifer's conviction that he could be God had far-reaching consequences for the entire universe. He believed that the universe could function differently from the way God created it and that an effect could become a cause. As a result, he separated himself from God, the only source of love, and thought that he could exist by himself. However, he continues to receive his power from God. He is not responsible for Lucifer's thoughts, only for keeping him alive and granting him limited possibilities. Lucifer can only do what God allows him to do. Why does God allow him to do evil? Because it originated with a good intention from a self-deception and only when evil is revealed can it be removed.

God planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Eden as a symbol of the law. Adam and Eve were to be reminded that they could not exist on their own. Its purpose was for protection - they were never to eat from it. How did self-deception come about? Eve wanted to know more than was good for her and let the serpent convince her that she would not die. By doubting God's word, she believed she could become God. Adam, on the other hand, wanted to save Eve and put himself above God. He too no longer lived from God's word.

Why does God intervene in man's self-deception? Isn't it against the law for Adam and Eve to stay alive? Why don't they die immediately? To answer these questions, we need to look at the foundations of creation and understand more clearly why God gives Lucifer the power to do evil.

God offers Adam and Eve, and all of us, a solution to return from death to life. Our cooperation is needed because God has no access to our inner being. We need a redeemer to end the conflict that began with Lucifer. But redemption can only be offered. If man recognizes his need and does nothing about it, God cannot help him. The ninth part of the series “God's love and justice” deals with these topics in detail.

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