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7 - The Problem of Evil | God's Love and Justice

Only a spirit endowed with reason and morality can understand the relationship between love and justice. The mind is capable of loving, while the law dictates how and where this need should be fulfilled. The reception of information happens automatically without the mind having to be aware of it. In contrast, the exercise of love is conscious and intentional. Love fulfills the law, and only through it is justice realized. Injustice arises from separation from God, the source of love.

The question remains: How could injustice arise in a perfect creation? The spirit is determined by its needs and cannot do without them. Since all needs are good and only good sources (God & nature) exist, there was no choice between good and evil. We look at what happened to Lucifer. Isaiah 14:12-14 describes how Lucifer tried to overcome the barrier between himself and God and become God himself. This inner rebellion led him to hold on to his self-deception and believe that he could live independently of God.

God provided Adam and Eve with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to show them that there is no alternative to him. Many mistakenly believe that this represents a free choice. But in reality, we are determined by our needs and cannot choose evil and death because it is not a need. Adam wanted to save his wife, not choose death.

Man's self-deception leads to misconceptions about the nature of evil. Some theologians argue that without evil, freedom or love could not exist. But evil arose without reason within a creature. Today we are experiencing the consequences: We are unfree and can no longer love. Repentance and redemption are only possible through the application of divine laws in the mind. These are the central themes in the seventh part of the series “God's love and justice”.

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