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5 - The Wrath of Divine Love | God's Love and Justice

The title may seem contradictory at first: What does anger have to do with love? But there is a distinction in love. Love in the sense of affection for a person is always there with God. He loves every person. Love, what a person does or does not do, is dependent on the standard of goodness (law).

We are created in the image of God, with spiritual needs that guide our actions. Basic needs such as justice, love and freedom are indispensable. God as well as humans and angels cannot accept selfishness. God's reaction to this is his wrath. And man's reaction is his wrath.

God's wrath is not directed against the person themselves, but against the injustice they commit. He wants to help people to recognize their inner distress. In contrast, people take injustice personally, which leads to illness. If someone persists in selfishness, God can no longer help. Selfishness arises from the illusion of being the source of all existence. And injustice manifests itself in doing everything for oneself. In truth, however, we are only effects that have to take in order to be able to give and can therefore do nothing for ourselves.

Overcoming this self-deception requires a clear mind. Only when the mind recognizes its need can it accept God's offer of deliverance. Psalm 78 illustrates the difficulty of self-knowledge. Finally, the story of Jonah teaches us about God's tenacity and mercy. He does not give up and uses his omnipotence to save people. God's wrath is directed against evil. If there is no change, this leads to death - ultimately a consequence of our own actions. The fifth part of the series “God's love and justice” deals with what this all means in detail

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