Everything in the universe works in a cycle. As a channel, everything must take in order to give and nothing can exist independently. God is the beginning and the end of this cycle and he is always active. He created everything in his image to serve the greater good. So man was entrusted with the responsibility of selflessly caring for the earth.
However, through an inexplicable self-deception, man separates himself from God and thus from the source of supply. In this situation, he becomes a slave to Satan. But through Jesus Christ there is a solution: his resurrection enables a new life and a return to connection with God. But man is deeply lost. He is blind to his dependence on God and believes he is independent.
God's mercy is expressed in the fact that he gives man consequences to help him recognize his inner need. If self-recognition of our error were an easy thing, the consequences would not have to be. Adam and Eve had no awareness of their mistake. Their banishment from the Garden of Eden was an expression of God's mercy. We look at the story of Cain and Abel: Abel recognizes his need and accepts God's offer, while Cain does not and kills his brother. God gives him the consequences.
In Genesis 6:5-7, we see God's sorrow for man: He is not sorry for having created the earth, but for having to take life away again. Despite his patience, only eight souls accept the invitation to salvation. Today we are faced with the same choice: God offers a solution, but those who do not accept it miss out on salvation. We also look at the compassion and mercy of God from the two perspectives “I am a child of God” and “I am God”. The fourth part of the series “God's love and mercy” is about understanding these aspects better.