The Holy Spirit reveals to us the truth about the new life and shows us that we are children of God. There is a unity between the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and us. And this unity exists in the Word, in information that encompasses the law of God and gives us knowledge about God as well as about ourselves. Being one with the will of God means that our will is in agreement with his, and not out of compulsion, fear or advantage. The result of this unity is that we are one with him in love.
Let us take a closer look at the idea of unity and clarify what it means that it exists in the Word. The message for this world is not to read the Bible to people. Rather, we must proclaim to them that we must take from God. The Word may come from Scripture, but it must become our own. Our words should be as clear as the words of God. Jesus' disciples were his disciples because they received and kept God's word.
Jesus testifies to his mission before Pilate (John 18: 37-38). Pilate has the opportunity to free himself from his deception. However, he does not listen to the voice of truth, but follows his heart instead of his mind. Did he really have to sacrifice his reputation? And did Abraham have to sacrifice his son or was it rather a matter of letting go of the error in his heart? It was simply a matter of laying his own error on the altar.
Jesus crucified the lie in man's heart and created a new life through his resurrection. This new life means for us: we are children of God - children of the Most High. Let there never be any doubt that we are one with the Father in heaven. What all this means in detail is dealt with in the twelfth part of the series “Themes in the Gospel of John”.