Jesus is the Word and nothing has come into being that has not come into being through him. Just as a child lives in spiritual dependence on its parent, so a child of God, as born of God, is dependent on him. We consider the state of the spirit and its needs. God alone has all the means (information) we need to satisfy our needs. Therefore, man lives by God's word, which he must receive. And the identity in his heart determines his reception of the Word. When Adam was created, he trusted God and was dependent on Him. However, when he separated from him, he believed himself to be God and lived in the illusion of independence. He replaced the source of love and became a slave to human words.
Jesus' testimony shows that he was connected to the Father from the very beginning. He was never allowed to break this connection, because life without a connection to the source of life is impossible. Even in his trials, Jesus remained trusting in the Father. People rejected Jesus based on their understanding of Scripture - a phenomenon that continues to this day. Therefore, we must base our understanding on an objective standard. Otherwise, any conclusion we come to is a presumption.
There are only two human lives: Adam's dead life and Jesus' new life. Through Jesus, God crucified the old life and created a new one. That is why he is called the second Adam. How do you get from the old life to the new life? Through faith! We will examine the role of baptism and the Holy Spirit in this new life (John 1:33-34; John 14:16-17). The unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with us consists in the Word (information), in the law (knowledge about God and ourselves) and in love. The central question is: Are you one with God? This is the subject of the eleventh part of the series “Themes in the Gospel of John”.