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10 - The Last Days | The Gospel of Mark

Jesus' entry into Jerusalem symbolizes his real return as King of kings. The cleansing of the temple is also an image and stands for the last plagues at the end of time, when everyone will receive what they have sown. Our reflection begins with the poor widow in Mark 12:41-44, who gave the last of her money. Jesus explains that she gave more than anyone else and thus illustrates the condition of discipleship: complete dependence on God and the awareness that nothing belongs to us. Whoever gives everything also has everything.

In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus says: “My son, all that is mine is yours too.” The son, however, only sees himself as a day labourer and wants to get something from his father instead of realizing that the father shares everything with him. On the Mount of Olives, the disciples ask about the signs of the end (Mark 13). Jesus warns them against deception. For evil can only get us into trouble through deception. Since all people are born with a lie in their hearts, they are easily deceived. Deception happens through unfulfilled needs and the pursuit of “getting”. And it works so easily because people do not know themselves and do not know why they become ill.

It is particularly fatal when Christians follow the “false Christ”, for example by believing that physical elements can protect them from illness. Many Christians believe that deception comes through religious channels, but this is a mistake! True temptation does not come through religion - which is not a need - but through real needs such as health and well-being. If we do not recognize that love is our fundamental need and that God is the only source of this love, we are vulnerable to temptation.

Jesus also warns of wars and natural disasters as well as betrayal by close relatives. We must prepare ourselves inwardly in order to be able to survive in times of crisis. Jesus speaks of a tribulation like never before on earth and announces signs in the heavenly bodies before his return. May he find us awake and in the truth and not deceived or asleep. This and more are central themes in the tenth part of the series “The Gospel of Mark”.


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