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1 - God Loves Freely | God's Love and Justice

In this study, we want to understand the relationship between God's love and justice and learn how we can apply both in our lives. The central question is: Does God really exist? What evidence can our minds recognize, and can we eliminate all doubt?

We will explore how the existence of God is proven through the structure and function of all elements. Everything in creation functions like a channel: It must take in order to give. This cycle requires an origin that supplies everything - God. Without him, everything would fall into non-existence.

The existence of things themselves is therefore proof of God. His creation shows that he is selfless. Nothing happens by chance, but follows the specifications of every element. On every part of his creation is written: “God is love”. If God is love, he must be a person and a spirit, because only a spirit can create and control matter from spiritual information and only a spirit can love.

Ultimately, God's love and justice are inseparable linked. We also consider God's invitation and judgment in Matthew 22:1-14. People are not lost because they were born in the wrong condition, but because they do not accept God's invitation. The Bible can easily be misunderstood. However, we can better understand God's grace, love and justice using the natural law as a standard. The first part of the series “God's love and justice” deals with what this all means in detail.

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